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BBBS National - Frisbee - May 2024 - X-T4 - 173.jpg


This program serves youth (our Littles), age 6 to young adulthood, in one-to-one mentoring relationships with caring adult mentors (our Bigs).  Bigs and Littles meet twice a month for two to four hours enjoying low to no-cost activities.  BBBS of Greater New Orleans.  provides every match with a professional Mentoring Specialist to support the relationship and offer guidance during its entirety. The Big, Little, and parent/guardian make a minimum of a one-year commitment to the mentoring relationship. 

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This program brings one-to-one mentoring to designated locations, fostering strong relationships and providing vital support to young people. Participants meet for an hour each week, with volunteers visiting their Little at the same time each week during school or club hours.


Activities include games, reading together, having lunch, working on academics, or simply spending time talking. The Big, Little, and parent/guardian make a minimum of a one-year commitment to the mentoring relationship. 


 We offer several site-based mentoring programs throughout Greater New Orleans:

  • School-Based Mentoring

    • ​McMain High School

    • KIPP Central City Primary

    • KIPP Believe Primary



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